Monday, March 6, 2017

Ride to BJ's Brewhouse (March 6, 2017)

After a busy Monday morning, got all my work done, and decided to get out on the motorcycle for a while. Was pleased, the day though cloudy was warm. Forecast was for a 0% chance of rain (and I am happy to say they nailed it!).
Got the bike out and warmed it up a bit. Got to wear my new shirt which I got yesterday at the National Air and Space Museum. That was a road trip in the car, and if you would like to see some photos from that check out my "Richmond and Me" page. It is one of my favorite places to visit in the state and this was my third trip there.
I went to see Apollo 11 which had been moved to the museum annex in Chantilly, VA. It will be going on a tour for the next couple of years and this was a good chance to see it before that.    
Enough of that though. Rode out to BJ's Brewhouse which is located in the Short Pump area of Richmond. Short Pump is a fun place to ride. I think if there is anything at all you wish to find, odds are you would find it there.
The restaurant was relatively easy to find. I did not make much use of it, but did have a beer. They have a really extensive list and some really good choices.
Lunch was on special and I had a bison burger and some slaw came with that. Slaw was more than slaw and it was very good. The burger was excellent and the place is really nice on the inside as well.
Friend of mine suggested it to me, and I enjoyed it. Have been to two suggested restaurants in the last few weeks; and both have been well worth the trip.
To get there I rode up I-64 but took the slower and longer way back down West Broad Street. Was a little worried about traffic as it was getting into rush hour but had no problem with it. It is a very interesting road with a lot of things to see and one of my favorite roads to travel.  
Heading back into Richmond I made a stop for awhile in Byrd Park. The trees have been turning white but are now heading into green. This seems a little early but may just be an impression. Weather has been unusually warm the last few weeks. Hung out with some Canadian Geese, ducks, and seagulls. They did not seem to mind me being there and was fun watching them. Anyhow, ended up being a really good ride on a very fine day. Only ride I got in this weekend due to a period of some cold weather so this was really a needed day in the wind.  

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