Saturday, March 27, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again (March 27, 2010)

Can not believe that it has been something like two months (January 18, or there abouts) since I last rode...does not seem possible it was that long. However, thanks to cold, snow, rain, forced overtime weekends in Richmond..and of course a dead battery; the bike sat waiting. Got the battery and put it in on March 26; also put in a short 10 mile ride. On the 27th (today as I write this) got a much longer ride. This is the start in Downtown Concord, NC. Rode on out to DEI in Mooresville, NC (which was closed on a Saturday) but enjoyed the ride there on a beautiful (if somewhat chilly Saturday in North Carolina. After so long without riding though...did not care!

Went into Downtown Mooresville, wandered around there on foot for a while. There was an easter egg hunt going on downtown, and of course lots of old buildings to see. It is a very nice town and fun to explore. Went down NC 115 which is a fun road to ride, and which also rolls into Davidson, NC. I like that college town a great deal too, but did not stop this trip, but kept going on. Got back into Concord, NC and met with a former riding buddy (he sold his motorcycle) before rolling into the driveway of my house after a 3.5 hour ride. Enjoyed it a great deal after being off for so long. Nothing like a motorcycle ride in the Carolinas.

As for this Ninja it is a customers bike at RideNow, took the photo when I ordered the battery for the bike. Did some checking of the motorcycle, everything is in good shape on my Vulcan. Did add a bit of SeaFoam to the gas, had read about that on the Vulcan Riders Forum; they call it "tune up in a can"...I just call it magic. Looking forward to some great rides in the upcoming weeks and months. Last battery lasted just short of five years (would be five in June) but can not complain. Back with power now, and good to be an "active" part of motorcycling again!

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