Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Ride and a touch of Fall (August 11, 2024)

Nice Sunday morning ride, seen at left is the Wright Brothers Memorial. Nice monument to the creators of the first powered aircraft. Another beautiful day, this time temperature was 58 degrees. Prefect morning to get out and check out some sights. 

I was the Nutter Center at the Wright State Campus (because it was there basically, had no destination in mind) when I saw the heavy smoke. Went to see what it was and found it in the photo directly above it.  Was quite a fire which I read later had been burning for a long time prior. 

Anyhow, dressed for the ride and had a wonderful time out. Looking forward to the next one. Had a good mix the last couple of days; country ride Saturday, City ride Sunday. Oh and as always Fuck tRUMP.    


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