Sunday, July 14, 2024

In Search of Deer (July 14, 2024)

Up early this morning, rode to Huffman Prairie Flying Field (the site of the "First Airport" used to develop the Wright Flyer III) in seach of deer. Saw quite a few but only got a photo of one which is directly below. Used the old "motorcycle camera" which is an old Canon. Took some extra work to get the photos edited and downloaded to the site but had a great time. The Hangar and the Catapult which was used to launch the plane, are replicas. Was a good ride, stopped at McDonalds for breakfast. Rode some 30 miles, 65 degrees .    


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More Coffee (September 16, 2024)

Seeing some hints of Fall color, though not sure if it the season or due to the drought. Stopped to take this during the ride on this beauti...