Sunday, April 19, 2015

Return to Petersburg National Battlefield...and a Sunday ride (April 18-19, 2015)

Have been able to ride the last two weekends..last week was a ride around the Richmond area. On the warmest day (so far) of the year rode to Petersburg to the Battlefield. It is my third visit, but an amazing place. Actions here basically ended the Civil War. This site was where an early breakthru occurred. A part of General Grant's army took this position but did not press on. Only 3,000 troops were in Petersburg but during the delay Lee sent more troops and the war drug on. All the earthworks are the original fortifications. There were also wood works around them, but they are all gone.    
This was the mine tunnel entrance at The Crater. During the siege General Burnside (and yes, that is the guy Sideburns were named for) had the idea of building a tunnel , packing it with explosives and blasting a hole in the Confederate defenses. To everyones worked. However, they went down in "The Crater" and no one had ladders to scale the now 30 foot walls. The Confederates rallied and captured or killed the attackers. Burnside and another General were "retired" after this.
Amazing place and a wild story. There are a lot of them at this battlefield, it is a remarkable place to visit.  
I also stopped at nearby Blandford Church which has a lot of Civil War dead. In fact it has a lot of dead as it dates to 1735. There are even graves dating to the Revolution. Amazing place and it is right next to the battlefield and played a role in it.
The ride was a lot of fun, went down I-95. Got a new helmet earlier that day, and got to say it is one of the most comfortable I have ever worn. A bit of luck there, but like it! Stopped by a tavern in Chester, VA on the way back, where there were a slew of was the end of a Poker Run. Tavern was "I dont know sports grille" and I will be back (was there a few years ago under different ownership). On an 83 degree day went some 75 miles and had a very fun time. Made a local ride on Sunday morning to some places in Richmond, but due to the gathering clouds cut that ride short giving me just under 100 miles for the weekend. The rains came around 3PM.    

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