Monday, May 16, 2011

Stuff and Events from the World of Motorcycles

Did want to mention that on June 3 (from 6pm-10pm and (especially) June 4 (10am-6pm) "Hog Happenin" will be held in Lincolnton, NC. This is a GREAT event; features a BBQ competition, live music, and a host of other events. For instance there is a bike show, and also this year will feature a stunt rider. It is a lot of fun, and its free (except for food/beverages). The area of the event is closed off to cars, but you can ride in your bike, and park along with the hundreds of motorcycles lining the street. I hope to hell to be there (the town is very motorcycle friendly, seems my boss in Richmond is less so). For more information check out the event web site at
I enjoy motorcyclist magazine a great deal, have been a subscriber for a number of years (they also have a good web site). Read some fun articles this month, a review of the Victory High-Ball (photo of the just arrived bike at RideNow is on my previous post) and an interesting article on possible future plans of Harley-Davidson to make a replacement bike for the Buell Blast and perhaps a smaller 750-800 cc bike for the US and India in India..will be interesting to see what the HD faithful think of that idea! Good article on a find of old motorcycles in a storage unit in Texas. I always find it interesting.
There was also in Motorcyclist a funny article on encounters with bees (and other bugs) on the road. Funny anyhow afterward, never at the time. As it said, ride long enough and you will get stung. I had a moment a few years ago, took a sting on my leg, thought I had been shot from the pain. Always good to be aware, and to dress to prevent that, though there is no guarantee that even that will prevent it. Motorcycling does have quite a few risks, this is just one of them.
Been on some nice rides this year. plus have been taking care of some maintenance. Going to be doing the yearly major maintenance this July during the vacation plant shutdown; always good to keep that up to date. Not only is it important for safety, it also protects you from breakdowns on down the road. A few dollars, a little of your time, and it can pay off in big ways.

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