Saturday, September 14, 2024

Dawn Patrol Ride (September 14, 2024)

Up early and rode out to the Springfield Airport at Springfield, Ohio for the Dawn Patrol event. Last year it was held at the Air Force Museum. Nice ride there though on another beautiful morning. 

At left you can see the Radio controlled airplanes, of which these are just a small sample. I consider these some of the best I saw. 

Below these are replica WW1 aircraft, piloted and many were flown . It was a pretty nice event, though was there for just a short while. 

Rode around Springfield for awhile, did not see anyone eating dogs, cats or geese. The clown tRUMP is a howling jackass. Vote Blue!  


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More Coffee (September 16, 2024)

Seeing some hints of Fall color, though not sure if it the season or due to the drought. Stopped to take this during the ride on this beauti...