Thursday, January 1, 2009

Tilley Harley-Davidson, Salisbury, NC

Took a couple of motorcycle rides last week, finally got a change in the weather here. Usually winter here in the Carolinas is pretty moderate, but been colder than usual, with a fair amount of rain (luckily this year, only ice or snow). However the 30th was remarkable with temps in the upper 60s and some clear blue skies. I rode to Salisbury, NC to see the National Cemetery, to the NC Transportation Museum, and to High Rock Lake. All said some 90 miles of some really great riding, most of the route via backroads.
I also took a visit to Tilley Harley-Davidson in Salisbury, NC.
Tilley has two stores; the one in Salisbury, and the other is located in Statesville, NC. I have been to both often enough to have an opinion. I like going there, enjoy looking around. They are real good at answering questions about the bikes, but low pressure as far as sales. The shops have both been updated from other previous locations; I believe Harley has been requiring that for a number of years. Don Tilley has been involved for years in motorcycle racing (both drag and also road racing) and made quite a name for himself in those sports. In fact, I visited his Statesville store last summer for an open house, and saw some of his racebikes on display there. I am told they are really good price wise (considering that they are selling Harley's) and I also hear good things about their service department. I know people who drive to deal with them some distance, which says a lot (bypassing more local dealers).
As for Harley-Davidson in general I like them. I liked this bike a great deal; has the springer front end, the Screaming Eagle engine package, tons of chrome, and a fine looking paint job. Harley makes some remarkable motorcycles. Being a long time rider of Japanese motorcycles my favorite types of bike they make is the V-Rod with the water cooled motor. However, I hear and read that V-Rod owners are not always accepted as riders of "real" Harleys. My biggest problem with Harley-Davidson is price. They are very expensive overall, the Sportsters are not, but also are not a good fit if you are 6'2" (as I am). I do however find them to be some impressive motorcycles and you have to love the sound of a Harley.....there is nothing quite like it (and I believe they have a patent on the "potato potato potato" sound their bikes make).
I went on a event this year (the Toy Run) which was basically a HOG (Harley Owners Group) ride, and found them to be a good bunch of people. Though I don't ride a Harley, they are always good to me at least....of course many bikers start out on Japanese (or other countries) motorcycles. HOG does know how to put on a great ride.....there were some 500+ bikes in the ride last month, we never stopped for a light.
Anyhow, hope you all had a Happy New Year, and have a year of safe rides. Certainly I am in for some huge changes in my motorcycle riding in I will be both working in Richmond, VA and riding on trips home (hopefully most weekends and during weeks of vacation) here in Concord, NC. It ought to be real interesting. Still have six more weeks here (as of today) and hopefully more weather like December 30. As always, ride safe!

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