The photo seen here was taken at the 2008 Hog Happenin, which is held in Lincolnton, NC. This event is always a blast (even in 08 when temperatures soared to nearly 100!). A combination motorcycle event/bbq cookoff it always brings in a huge crowd of motorcycles and motorcyclists. In fact, only motorcycles are allowed to park in town. As far as events go, it is always at the top of my list (and that is where it sits for 2009 as well!). I also greatly enjoyed the "ride to the sea" this year with Bill and Ed. In July, the three of us rode our bikes to Wilmington, NC to check out the battleship USS North Carolina, as well as the beaches there. It was a remarkable (and long) day in the saddle; a very fun one day trip which I will long remember. I made also this year a solo trip to the mountains of North Carolina, and rode the remarkable Blue Ridge Parkway which was all decked out in its Fall splender. Riding the Parkway is some of the best riding (I believe) to be found in America. Along with these rides, were many great rides all over the Carolina area. I rode to a number of aviation events to see some historic aircraft including B-17's, a B-24, P-51 Mustangs, and even a Ford Tri-Motor. Of special note was the ride to the Winston-Salem Air Show. That event has not been held for a few years, and was quite remarkable and a fantastic time. I also have that on my list for 2009.
2009 will be a most interesting year for me though. I will be working in Richmond, VA (due to a job transfer) while still keeping my house here in Concord, NC. So I will be in two worlds. This site is going to be mostly "about" motorcycling, for the bike will remain here in the Carolinas where I will ride it on weekends and on vacation. However, I plan to explore motorcycling in Virginia as well, and will bring some of the sights to be found there. I hope to attend the motorcycle races at VIR in 2009, and am looking forward to that. I also expect to hit some great and interesting events here. It ought to be a very interesting year.
A quick note as I close my posts for 2008. Got a very nice Christmas present among many; the Kawasaki Service Manual for my bike. This will be especially helpful for many of the service projects I have planned. I do much of the work on my bike (and with shop costs locally of some $75 an hour, that list is growing) and enjoy working on the bike. I am also blessed in that the bike is stone cold reliable, but maintenance to prevent problems is a big part of that reliability. If you do not have a good service manual for your bike, I strongly suggest you get one. Much of the work is easier then you might expect, and it is always a lot of fun and a great idea to keep your bike maintained.
Looking forward to a very, very interesting and different 2009. As always ride safe!
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