Monday, August 28, 2017

Sunday Ride to Colonial Heights (August 27, 2017)

 Sunday morning ride...been awhile since weather and vacation kind of got me off it. Was a bit of a hairy ride, early on had a close call. Kept my attention level up for the rest of the ride, mainly was due (in this case) to my fault. Turned out ok, but would have really been bad if it did'nt. Need to keep your focus 100% at all times on a motorcycle. I know that rule and just let things wander for a bit. UGH!
Once I got calmed down (took awhile) rode out to Colonial Heights There I saw the Half Way Tavern which was founded in 1760. Had a long history. Half way is named because it is between Richmond and Petersburg at the mid point. There have been a number of famous people (Presidents and the like) who have eaten there.
The tavern was a Union Army headquarters during the Civil War (General Butler)  but survived that. Very interesting building.
Been a few years ago but I have eaten there. Food was really good too and I enjoyed being inside the old place. There are a few of them to check out in the area (well, the other is in Charlottesville) but fun to do that.  
Took this photo from an Arby's ..its an F-18 at the Defense Supply Center. Once a few years ago went by the road in front of it, but security told me "you can't take photos here"
I thought that silly and still do, but thank goodness for zoom.  Not quite a classified aircraft its a US Navy F-18 Hornet.  
Here on the otherhand at the same site is a F-84. This plane dates to the 1950's..subsonic but a cool plane in its own right.
Ride was uneventful from here to the end. Nice weather with temperatures under 80.
Of note the bike is currently at 3780 miles. Coming up on the first anniversary of owning this motorcycle and having a great time (even with the event today) with the bike. More coffee with future rides, but had a big trip the day before (car) and should have been more careful.
Anyhow, you live and learn. Hope you have some great rides and tell you what....ride safe!  

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