Took one of my favorite rides yesterday. Headed down Route 5 to the City of Jamestown. A bonus for me was the week ahead the admission charges at Yorktown Battlefield and Jamestown were waved. I got to Jamestown which I had seen a few years before. This is the monument to the founding of the colony. Considering that the colony was founded over 400 years ago its an interesting places. Through excavations many items from the period have been found. Since my last visit three (well most of three) bodies have been dug up and are on display. One killed by a shotgun, one believed to be a ships captain (due to items found with him) and a girl who was believed to have been....eaten. They had a period of starvation in which the vast majority of colonists died. It is truly an amazing and remarkable place. There is also a restaurant there which was not before as I remember, and I have to say it is well worth a visit. I really enjoyed seeing this again, and the additions they have made since my last visit are really something to see.
Second stop was Yorktown Battlefield, which again had some remarkable items. There was for instance the tent actually used by General George Washington (which is according to the sign near it a "National Treasure" and many of the weapons. Of course the field itself is well preserved. Of note is that during the Civil War many of the fortifications were used by the Confederate Army (there were also Confederate forts at Jamestown). This photo is of the surrender field where The British Army under General Cornwallis surrendered to the American/French Army under General George Washington.
I had a good time touring this again, and saw a lot of interesting items and places. Very pleased that so much has been preserved and kept up for once again what is a long time ago.
I made a quick stop at Yorktown Beach. Made a quick stop in to the Yorktown Pub there, and after that was quickly back on the road again. Went back to Richmond via VA60 which is sort of a different route. Saw some new sights and visited some fun places.on the way back. All in all the day of riding and exploring was some 6 hours long, and covered a total of 154 miles. I had a fantastic time on a very beautiful day.
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