Friday, June 21, 2024

First Ride of Summer (June 20, 2024)

Got out on Summer, Day 1 for a short ride. Been getting out early before the heat really builds up. Amazingly hot the past few days here. People that think global warming is not real are fucking idiots. 

Watched the plane flying at the local airport, and later had to wait for a family to cross the street. Cute bunch though. 

Was a very good ride, though have not been on many over the years that were not. 

Thanks for visiting! 


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Last Ride of Spring (June 19, 2024)

Under somewhat overcast skies, got in a Wednesday ride on the last day of Spring, 2024. Sure feels like Summer but that is ok. Got out on some backroads around the area, and made a pit stop for fuel at a local station. Prices are down, thank you President Biden (and as always Fuck Trump). 

Looking forward to the next adventure, thank you for visiting my pages


Monday to Springfield, Ohio (June 17, 2024)

Rode out on a Monday morning, the heat is building this week with temperatures in the 90's, but not as bad early on. 

Headed out to Springfield, which is a very nice city not far from me. Interesting sights and good riding there and had a great time wandering around the city. 

Was not out long, and made a pass through Snyder Park before heading back. It was a beautiful ride.   

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Morning Ride around the Area (June 16, 2024)

Sunday morning, is always a great time to get out. Expecting the start of some extreme heat for this area starting today, but very nice out early. Stopped at Abbey Road Coffee for a quick breakfast and of Rode around the area a bit, both in New Carlisle and beyond. 

Very quiet and once again wonderful weather. Saw some very nice sights and just enjoyed the calm of the ride. 

Thank you for visiting my page.   

Yellow Springs/Young's Dairy (June 15, 2024)

After a trip the past few days, got a ride in on this beautiful Saturday morning. Rode out to the not quite awake Yellow Springs, Ohio. Fun place to go, and even better as a college town, not a tRUMP sign to be seen. In other words a pleasant experience. 

Stopped in at Young's Dairy, which is a favorite place to visit in the area. Photos from that visit are directly below.

A very good ride, which included a number of backroads under clear blue skies. Had a great time as usual.  


Monday, June 10, 2024

Synder Park and Ferncliff (June 10, 2024)

A beautiful Monday and as it was yesterday, cool with a temperature of 57 degrees. Perfect riding weather and got out to the Springfield area. Rode through Snyder Park and Ferncliff Cemetary in the hope of seeing deer. No such luck, but did enjoy the sights there and a wonderful ride on this grand Monday. 

Looking forward to the next few rides as Spring is winding down and summer will soon be on the way. 

Thank you for visiting my pages! 


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Ride (June 9, 2024)

Beautiful Sunday morning and as I often do, got out on the Triumph to enjoy it. Temperature was in the 60's which made for some great weather to get out. Rode into New Carlisle and even some in George Rogers Clark Park, before stopping at McDonalds in Enon for a little outdoor breakfast. 

It was a great ride under blue skies, and as can be seen light traffic. 

Thank you for visiting my pages.    


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Farm Ride (June 4, 2024)

Out once more on another beautiful Ohio day. Once again cruising the backroads. Its farm country also (FUCK) Trump country, but you have to take the good with the bad. How anyone could support that bozo beats me. 

Anyhow, stopped also by the local VFW to check out the cannon. It dates to World War 2 which was a major period in American history. Americans fought to preserve freedom in the world. Now you can do the same with your vote; vote against tRUMP to do the same this November.

Thanks for visiting my page. 


Monday Motivation Ride (June 3, 2024)

Got out for a nice ride on a beautiful Monday. Weather was great after some serious fog in the very early morning, which cleared up by midmorning. 

Rode out to Enon and around some of the backroads around that area. It was fun to see some of the sights there, and to get my knees in the breeze once again. 

This is a rainy time of year, so try to get out when I can. 

Thanks for visiting my page.  


Sunday, June 2, 2024

First Ride of June (June 1, 2024)

Beautiful Saturday morning, so strapped on the helmet and heading to the Air Force Museum. Saw a few days ago they had added two new planes and wanted to check them out. The X-32A is directly below. Was in a fly off with the plane that became the F-35, very unusual design. The plane below that is the Streak Eagle, which set a number of time to climb records. Always a great place to visit, one of the, if not THE best aviation museum in the world. 

On the way home in Fairborn, stopped at McDonalds for breakfast and coffee. It was a fantastic ride on a very fine day.       


Friday, May 31, 2024

Last Ride of May (May 31, 2024)

May is coming to a close, but out once again on the last day of the month. Got out early with temperatures in the low 50's which was fantastic. Early rides are great with very low traffic and just love being out in the early morning. Always a great time to ride. 

Rode out to New Carlisle which was "pretty quiet", but did stop for a cup of coffee. I also rode out to Enon and Fairborn while on this ride. Made for a pretty nice adventure on the Triumph. Thanks for visiting my pages.  


Country Roads (May 30, 2024)

 Got out on a beautiful Thursday after being out of town for a few days. Was a great day to ride with lower temperatures and lower humidity. Best of all no rain as was the case the previous week. It was also the case that I was not in town.

Good to get out in the wind on my Triumph and had a wonderful ride on this beautiful day. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Charleston Falls Ride (May 21, 2024)

Damn nice ride today, a return visit to Charleston Falls on this beautiful Tuesday. Nice going early as while there were people there, not many. Its a beautiful place to wander and always enjoy visits there.

There was even some water coming down from the waterfall which was real nice. Came across a few people with dogs, and that was cool to see. Just a magical day. 

As to the ride, not a great distance from the house. With a stop in New Carlisle on the way back was a hair over 30 miles today.  


Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday Airport Ride (May 19, 2024)

Nice ride on a beautiful Sunday in Ohio. Got out into the Vandalia area, rode out by the dam there, and around the airport. Lots of big places including this Amazon facility . My son works at one but in another town in another state. 

Love riding on Sunday, traffic is light and it is always just a wonderful time to get out and see some new sights out in the country.

70 degrees this late morning, and got in around 40 miles for this chapter of my motorcycle riding. Thank you for visiting my pages 


Saturday, May 18, 2024

Cow Ride (May 16, 2024)

Good morning ride after a beautiful day out. Went to a number of places. Was out in the country between Enon and Yellow Springs Ohio. Took the photo at left at Yellow Springs, a very cool town. 

Visited Young's Dairy where a cow came up to see me. Was very cool and had a nice time with her. I think they are adorable animals.

Finally took the last photo out amid the farms and fields just outside of Enon. Always a beautiful ride and this one was no exception.  


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Bike Wash Ride (May 13, 2024)

Being the start of my riding season (well, maybe a few days into it) decided to wash the dust off the Triumph and gave it a good wash on a beautiful day. Once it was all clean, and somewhat dried off, took it out around the area to blow the water out of the nooks and crannies. Nice ride, even made a stop at the New Carlisle Airport as I saw a very rare gyrocopter there. It is in the photo directly below. Below that a photo of my freshly washed Speedmaster. All in all, a very good ride and nice to get out once again. Expecting a few days of rain, but looking forward to the next adventure on the road.      


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day Ride (May 12, 2024)

Got in a short Mother's Day ride on this beautiful Sunday morning. Love to ride in the morning anythow, less traffic (at least on the weekends), 

Rode out to Carriage Hill Farm to see the horses (which you can see in the distance in the photo directly below) and rode around the park for a little bit.  

After that, rode toward New Carlisle and watched "the birds" fly at the airport there. 

Came home and checked tire pressures on the bike after a wonderful ride! 


First Ride of Summer (June 20, 2024)

Got out on Summer, Day 1  for a short ride. Been getting out early before the heat really builds up. Amazingly hot the past few days here. P...