Monday, February 24, 2014

Late February Ride (Feb 24, 2014)

 Damn! Was a remarkable 70 degrees yesterday, but as I found moments ago (looking at my previous blog post, last ride was in late January. When I went to start the bike, it was dead...battery. Took it out, charged it up, and got in a ride today on a much cooler day though. Oh well, glad to ride anyhow, and glad that it came back to life. Here is the motorcycle in Carytown. Though the temperature outside was 51 degrees, I was dressed for it, and it was fine. Put in a good couple of highway rides, and kept it running, when I stopped for fuel it started right up again. 
This is the bell tower in Maymont Park, which is one of my favorite places to visit. Like going there, but sure was a lot of road work going on there, and in fact virtually everywhere I went today. Good though as winter has been hard on Richmond area roads. Glad to see them getting the attention.
I rode as I noted highways, also got out on Monument Ave, and quite a few different roads...was out near Ginter Park even not far from Richmond International Raceway (though did not stop by there this time) as I was in Florida a few days ago and got to see the qualifying races (aka The Budweiser Duel). 
This is at Dogwood Dell, also at Maymont....they have a number of events there. Rode down Jefferson Davis Highway and back up 150 before putting the motorcycle up for the day. Came to a 50 mile ride, nothing fantastic but hopefully I will be able to get out sooner next time...waited far too long for this ride...both in regards to the battery and to myself as well...for I enjoyed the hell out of this ride. Nice to be out in the breeze and did see a number of other motorcycles out there. Spring is getting ever closer, and sure looking forward to one of the best times of the year to ride coming up soon. 

First Ride of Summer (June 20, 2024)

Got out on Summer, Day 1  for a short ride. Been getting out early before the heat really builds up. Amazingly hot the past few days here. P...