Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Maintenance Test Ride (October 15, 2024)

Very short ride on this very overcast day. Did some maintenance on the Triumph, adjusted and lubed the chain. 

Took the motorcycle out for a short test ride, and all was well. Real happy with the Speedmaster over the years I have had it, very few problems with it. It has been almost Japanese quality wise. The British motorcycle was actually built in Thailand, and seeing that they do excellent work there. Actually lived in Thailand in my Navy Days back in the late 70's, so not really a surprise there.   

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday in the Park (October 12, 2024)


Cool clear morning after the trip to Niagara Falls. Ran a few errands but a beautiful day for it, as the sun rose in the East (as it tends to do). Headed into New Carlisle and rode out to Enon. Got a quick meal at McDonalds in Enon, and frankly it was.... damn good (unlike tRUMP who sucks). 
Was not a huge ride, but did ride into George Rogers Clark Park. Had seen fall color up in Northern Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York the past few days, seeing it here now more and more. Good thing, really enjoy the colors. It was a great day for a beautiful ride and just a wonderful day to be alive and on that Triumph

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Country Ride (October 3, 2024)

Rode out on the second day in a row, into the country on a beautiful day. Came across the signs in this farmers field, good to know not all  farmers in this area are bat shit crazy. 

Was another beautiful day to get out. Cool and under blue skies, temperature was in the upper 40's. Love riding early in the mornings after 9am, there is less traffic out as rush hour is over, and still a number of woodland creatures come out.

Looking forward to the next ride, thanks for visiting my pages.  

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

First October Ride (October 2, 2024)

Back from Virginia Beach, have had a few days of rain from the hurricane. Thankfully, no damage here, though a real nightmare in Florida, South and North Carolina, and Tennessee. Appreciate the badly needed rain, but sad for the people seriously affected. 

Rode this morning, first sunny day in quite some time. Went out to see horses at Carriage Hill Farm, and monsters in Fairborn. Good to get out and was a very nice ride if a bit cool (49 degrees!) but was well dressed for it. 


Monday, September 16, 2024

More Coffee (September 16, 2024)

Seeing some hints of Fall color, though not sure if it the season or due to the drought. Stopped to take this during the ride on this beautiful Monday. 

Rode into Fairborn, to a new coffee shop from yesterday, also a favorite (Lefty's) and also very good. A great ride is a beautiful thing, so is great coffee. Took it outside with my Triumph nearby. 

Had another fine ride and having a great time enjoying this weather, though would not mind some rain soon.  


Sunday Coffee Run (September 15, 2024)

Rode to New Carlisle to a favorite coffee shop (Penny Lane) for some of their fantastic coffee. Was another beautiful day to get out into the breeze. 

As you can see of the corn directly below, very dry here. Great for riding, but tough on food. We have been over two weeks without rain. 

Got in a few miles on this Sunday, rode out to The New Carlisle Airport before heading back home. Was a wonderful time out! 


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Dawn Patrol Ride (September 14, 2024)

Up early and rode out to the Springfield Airport at Springfield, Ohio for the Dawn Patrol event. Last year it was held at the Air Force Museum. Nice ride there though on another beautiful morning. 

At left you can see the Radio controlled airplanes, of which these are just a small sample. I consider these some of the best I saw. 

Below these are replica WW1 aircraft, piloted and many were flown . It was a pretty nice event, though was there for just a short while. 

Rode around Springfield for awhile, did not see anyone eating dogs, cats or geese. The clown tRUMP is a howling jackass. Vote Blue!  


Maintenance Test Ride (October 15, 2024)

Very short ride on this very overcast day. Did some maintenance on the Triumph, adjusted and lubed the chain.  Took the motorcycle out for a...